Last captured by a vengeful spirit ward during econs tutorial, this stealthy assassin, void of a face, prances from behind and stabbed bone clinkz from the back, killing him instantly.
Another incident was when a smoke screen was observed but no one was killed.
One cannot help but to question: Who is this Faceless Assassin? What is his real identity? Who is he? What does he do? Where does he strike? Why is he so powerful?
Stay tuned while the detectives search for more clues!
someone please explain to me
Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:04 PM
why is this KFC boy so noob isnt the answer just x=2 or x=-2 why did he have to expand it? or am i wrong?
"The only good noob is a dead noob."
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7:58 PM
Chapter 1: Intro to a Noob
Out of all the people in DotA online gaming, Noobs are the most prevalent. But what is a Noob? Where do Noobs come from? How does a Noob think? What do you do if you encounter a Noob? All these questions will be explained in the following chapters but first we must identify the two main classes of Noob.
Good Noob
Bad Noob
The Good Noob or GN has certain characteristics unlike that of the Bad Noob or BN. GN's are mainly people who are playing DOTA for the first few times while trying to learn. GNs are generally well liked by other players who were former GNs themselves. Traits include:
- Stating that they are new to DOTA to other players. - Asking for help. - Showing a tendency to want to learn and become better. - Listening to others when receiving advice. - Being proactive by reading forums and practicing by themselves.
Contrary to GNs, BNs are easily despised and certainly hated. There are many different sub-classes of BNs which form a long and complex hierarchy. Below is a list of major BNs, their hate level and likelyhood to leave DotA games.
The Farming Noob (Creepius Goldius)
Other names include: Old McNoob, E-I-E-I-O Noob, and Bling Bling Noob.
The Farming Noob or FN is well-hated due to his reputation for non-stop gold farming and bad teamwork. Consequently, this player lost focus on the main goal of DotA and now spends the whole game farming gold in a futile attempt to buy items which allow him to farm even more gold at a faster rate. The FNs obsession with gold will never stop until the game is ended. This may take awhile as he perfers killing creeps to heros and towers. The first sign of an enemy hero in his lane will force him to creep neutrals. If need be the FN might kill a tower or weak hero in his way just so he can continue his farming. Once the FN has filled all his item slots with the most expensive items possible he will then regain focus on the main goal of DOTA and will try to kill the Throne/World Tree. Generally, this type of Noob will stick around in games where farming is plentiful and can be found near any creep wave, neutral creep camp and Roshan. Be warned, if you deny him creep kills or harrass his gold farming, he will leave!
The FNs favorite items include: Radience, Battlefury, Hand of Midas, all tier 4 items. Leaver rating: Average Hate Rating: High
The Solo Noob (Solous Icalledium)
Other names include: Noob Caller, I called it first Noob, Lone Noob
The Solo Noob, SN, can either make or break a good DOTA game. At start expect the SN to express his intentions over other DotA players with simple expressions such as "Top solo" or "Bottom Solo." Be warned if you do not heed this request. If you venture into his solo territory the SN will become enraged like a male monkey and challenge you for his dominance. He will either A: accept your dominance over him or B: engage in chat combat. Usually the SN will give a warning before chat combat such as "I called solo first," or "I was here first." If ignored a clash may ensue and he will attempt to harm you by feeding (see Feeding Noob) and leaving. Do not try to engage in Chat combat during this sensitive moment as it may push the SN over the edge. Instead remain silent and non-confrontational. He will either conclude that you dont speak english or are so new to DOTA that you havn't figured out where the chat button is and return to normal.
SNs favorite heros typically include: Clink, Bounty Hunter, Sniper, Naix, Night Stalker, Razor. Leaver Rating: High Hate Rating: Severe
The Feeding Noob (Deathadon Maximas)
Other names include: Feeder, Delicious Noob, 7-11 Noob (because you can feed off him 24/7)
The Feeding Noob (FeN) is most certainly the most hated of all BNs. Unlike the other BNs the FeN can and will go out of his way to ruin your game. Sacrificing himself many times the FeN will try and give free gold and exp by letting enemy heros kill him many times over. Early theories suggest that FeNs comprise mainly of Emo men and unloved or spoiled children with poor social skills. Unable to cope with reality they are even more unadept to handle the internet. If provoked they will dedicate their lives to ruining yours and others around you by sacrificing their own. Just like in reality the FeN must be completely ignored in hopes that he will eventually get tired before too much damage has been unleashed.
Leaver Rating: Maximum Hate Rating: Maximum
The Sange and Yasha Noob (Unoriginus Itemus)
Other names include: SY Noob, Speedy Noobzales.
The Sange and Yasha Noob (SYN) is mostly disliked for his favortism towards Sange and Yashra instead of more efficient items. Many players will dispute the effectivness of this item but it is the SYN that consistently gives it a bad name. Of the possible +75 heros playable in DOTA, the SYN will use Sange and Yashra on approximatley all of them. Therefore players see heros such as Rhasta, Bone Clinkz and Drow with this item. Many SYN will argue in defense that movespeed and stats are good. In reality, SYN favor this item so they can speedily run towards the fountain at the first sign of trouble.
Leaver Rating: Low Hate Rating: Low
The Kill Steal Noob (Godlikius Fakeus)
Other names include: Kill stealer, Kser.
Kill stealing Noobs (KSN) are heavily disliked for their selfish style of gameplay and fake kill to death ratio. KSN usually pick heros who have powerful finishing spells such as Lion's Finger or Linas Laguna Blade. This is to guarantee maximum success in kill stealage thereby giving the KSN his name. If playing -AR mode the KSN will spend gold on dagon and dagon upgrades to further his kill stealing. A KSN can be observed hiding behind his teammates at every opportunity at which he may run in and use his powerful spell to "kill steal" from his allies. This behaviour ensures maximum kill stealage with low risk of death. A successful KSN will have a great kill to death ratio compared to his team. KSN are likely to leave the game once their kill stealing stops or a more dominate KSN steals more kills. Whenever two KSN are on the same team a power struggle ensues and the weaker, less dominate KSN is forced to leave.
Favorite heros: Zeus, Lion, Lina Favorite items: Dagon level 5 Leaver Rating: Average Hate Rating: High
Observation: Lying low and crouching on the table, the lamp remains at a low height, unwilling to stand tall. Stopwatch present on table.
Personality: Similar to the hidden tiger, crouching dragon, a humble, down to earth person who believes in sowing what he reaps. Practical and realistic, he keeps his identity low but does great things, shining greatly for others. Good time management. Probably short in height.
Kai Ren's Lamp
Observation: Lamp is off. Wallet is left carelessly on the table. Wires left tangled and messy.
Personality: Lazy, sluggish, slothful and lethargic boy who can't be bothered to switch on the lamp or complete tasks. Math grades as messed up as the wires.
Preston's Lamp
Observation: The lamp is neatly adjusted to a certain height, shining down on the aquatic plant. Test tube not placed straight up. Eyes focused and staring intently, showing affection for the autotrophic organism.
Personality: A very trusty, organized, focused and task oriented person, loves biology. However, probably not very straight and an elitist.
Priscilla's Lamp
Observation: The lamp is positioned to fit the circumstances.
Personality: A resilient person who is able to fit any circumstance faced.
Jing Jing's Lamp
Observation: The lamp is turned off and pointing to nowhere but she is smiling.
Personality: Turns people off due to being confused most of the time, lost in the middle of conversations and slow to respond. However, very cheerful, easygoing and carefree.
Warren's Lamp
Observation: The lamp is reluctantly forced into an awkward position with great force to shine for the plant, allowing the plant to create oxygen.
Personality: A forward looking leader who does things which may seem sucky at first sight but in the end its for the greater good.
Zi Keng's Lamp
Observation: Glowing brightly, the lamp is perfectly adjusted with the aid of a ruler, carefully aware that too much light will result in too much heat which may denature the plants' enzymes resulting in death while too little light will render it unable to make food for itself to survive.
Personality: A bright student, also a secretly loving and caring person. Everybody in his social circle is generously blessed. Females should take note of this guy.